
Golden rule of Human Relation

  your subconscious mind is a recording machine, which re-produce your habitual thinking. think good of the other, and you are actually thinking good about yourse lf subconscious mind    A hateful or resentful thought is a mental           poison Do not think I'll of another for to do is to think I'll of yourself. you are the only thinker  in your universe, and your thoughts are  creative. Become emotionally mature and permit  other people to differ from you. They       have a permit right to disagree with you, and     you have the same freedom to disagree with        them. you can disagree without being disagreeable.   Sigmund Freud, the Austrian founder of psychoanalysis, said that unless the personality has love, it sickens and dies. Love includes understanding, goodwill, and respect for divinity in other person. The more love and good will and respect you emanate and exude, the more comes back to you. If you puncture the other fellow’s ego and wound his estimate of himself,
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